Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Cold War Times A Theory Of Containment - 1073 Words

Question 1: During cold war times, the US’ had a theory of containment. Containment made to stop the spread of communism, because it was thought that if the US could not stop communist countries than it could work on stopping communism from spreading. In 1954, Vietnam was able to become independent from France. The country was divided along the 17th parallel, and North Vietnam and South Vietnam were created. Ho Chi Minh led North Vietnam and it had a communistic government, which was supported by China and the USSR. On the other hand, South Vietnam was a ‘democratic’ (anti-communism) government, which was led by Ngo Dinh Diem and supported by the US. During Diem’s regime, the government started to interrogate Buddhist priests. Diem was also known for treating the peasant class harshly, because he came from the property owning class. His government was also very corrupt, because he only appointed his family members to government roles00000. Diem’s tot alitarian government led to the rise of a communist group called the Vietcong. The Vietcong were a group that arose during Diem’s regime, they wanted to change South Vietnam into a communist country. Many non-communist citizens of the south also supported the Vietcong in hopes of ridding themselves of their corrupt government. The Vietcong was given supplies from North Vietnam along the Ho Chi Minh trail. They used guerrilla warfare to create fear in the hearts of their enemies. Using this strategy, they were able to kill theShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War Times : A Theory Of Containment904 Words   |  4 PagesQuestion 1: During cold war times, the US’ had a theory of containment. Containment made to stop the spread of communism, because it was thought that if the US could not stop communist countries than it could work on stopping communism from spreading. In 1954, Vietnam was able to become independent from France. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent struggle Free Essays

Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent struggle against the British Empire was a result of the political situation in India. Prior to World War II, the world has witnessed the rise of the Soviet Union in terms of political and military power. We also saw the rise of popular national liberation movements across the colonized world. We will write a custom essay sample on Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent struggle or any similar topic only for you Order Now In most colonies, the way of gaining independence from Western colonialism has been through the waging of armed revolutions, such as the struggle of the Chinese and the Malaysians, led by Mao Tsetung and Sukarno, respectively. However, such a type of struggle for Indian independence was essentially difficult in Indian society where a strict and clearly defined caste system was in place. The caste system hindered the creation of unity of Indians as a united people while transcending class divisions. More so, divisions between the ranks of the Indian people became more pronounced as fighting between rightist Hindu fundamentalists and left-wing communists never stopped, with both espousing violent means of securing Indian independence. All of these confused the majority of a people who continued to wallow in poverty and desolation. In all of these, Mahatma Gandhi emerged to present an alternative viewpoint, a seeming middle-ground between the pro-people radicalism of the left and the religious conservatism of the right. Related article: Favoring Pragmatism Over Principle It was founded on the principle of non-violent struggle. It dismantled all previous ideas that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Gandhi turned the idea of revolution on its head and succeeded in doing so. While a major factor for their triumph was the waning power of the British empire after World War II, their struggle through non-violent means inspired other civil libertarians the world over to give peace and non-violent struggle a chance prior to the taking of arms. As can be seen from above, Mahatma Gandhi was clearly faced with almost immense tasks, particularly leading the Indian people in the path to independence, despite the power of the British Empire and the ethnic tensions evident in Indian society. At a time when almost the entire colonial peoples of the world were engaged in armed struggle, Gandhi decisively implemented his idea of non-violent struggle to force the British Empire to recognize their demands for sovereignty and independence. He utilized creative forms of protest, such as the non-payment of taxes, peaceful marches to the sea, even if these actions were met with brutal force by British security forces. One of the great things about Gandhi was his ability to present his vision of a free and independent India to the masses in very simple terms which could be clearly understood and grasped. More so, he fully understood that Indian culture was still basically rooted in Hinduism. He believed that the application of foreign theories such as Marxism and nationalism might isolate the independence movement from the vast majority of the people. He was also a very simple man, who embraced the entire cross-section of Indian society, even the so-called untouchables, to the extent of earning the ire of the elite Brahmin caste. As such, his own person was a concrete mobilizing force to move the Indian people into action and determine their destiny. On the other hand, a minor weakness of his leadership was the seeming personality cult that ensued even years after his death. This is shown by the absence of second-liners to continue his work in building a just and peaceful Indian society. While all the mass actions were joined by Indians from different castes, the focus was always primarily on Gandhi’s thoughts and decisions. Such a personality-based leadership, while effective in inspiring people into action, cannot work in the long-term insofar as empowering the people and sustaining the gains of Indian independence. This is due to the lack of a concrete organizational structure to effectively implement the ideas of Gandhi. Lastly, Mahatma seemed to favor speaking in very mystical and vague language, which tends to confuse his followers as to the exact meaning of what he wants to articulate. Nonetheless, his leadership style was still very effective in mobilizing almost a billion people to demand their independence from the British Empire. Being a charismatic leader, he used his gift of astute yet mystical articulation to convince all sectors of Indian society about the necessity of seeking independence. The clearness of vision and objectives, and the creativity of his means of action of pursuit of these goals, were also indispensable factors of his success in leadership. More so, his propensity for personal sacrifice, at the cost of his life and liberty, in pursuit of his goals are very high on the list of his outstanding leadership qualities. Years of imprisonment and the beatings he received from the British security forces did not deter him from continuing his leadership. This is a crucial part of his leadership style, especially when not many leaders in the world are prepared to do sacrifices like such. Usually, leaders are hidden above their ivory towers and palaces, to the extent of alienating themselves from the people they serve. Gandhi, however, was different, as he was like the common everyman, save that it was his leadership of commitment and sacrifice that helped his people achieve independence. In terms of my own personal leadership style, I accede to the leadership traits of Gandhi, in terms of his clarity of vision and propensity for sacrifice. In any organization, these are very fundamental because these will determine how the followers will appreciate their role in the organization. If the vision and goals are clear, the followers can quantitatively measure, in a given amount of time, the progress of the organization and their individual development as well, relative to the vision and objectives. It ensures that the organization does not operate in limbo, without any purpose or necessity of existence. Gandhi’s propensity for sacrifice can also be incorporated in my leadership style. It is important for followers to see and realize that the leader himself is willing to lay himself on the line in pursuit of the vision and goals of the organization. Such a leadership trait reassures the followers that the leader is serious about the success and development of the organization and dismantles notions that the leader’s only interest is to make his people follow orders and deliver results. However, my leadership style differs with Gandhi insofar as adopting a pragmatic and realistic view on plans and actions. I would accede more, in this regard, to the Leninist maxim of â€Å"concrete analysis of concrete conditions†, instead of the Gandhian mode of relying heavily on a notion of non-violence in the face of difficult odds, as I still contend that the success of Gandhi and his movement was also based on external factors (e.g. British losses after World War II) than his non-violence alone. I even surmise that without the world wars and the decline of the British Empire, his non-violent movement would never have been successful. Nonetheless, the above mentioned leadership traits of Gandhi are included in my notion of the ideal leader – clarity of vision and goals, and propensity for sacrifice. In analyzing situations and challenges, and making decisions, it must include the Leninist maxim of â€Å"concrete analysis of concrete conditions†, without, of course, prejudicing the principles and objectives inherent in the organization. A leader must always seek to create candor and camaraderie among his followers, to drive home the point that no unseen barrier exists between them. More importantly, the leader must always seek ways of empowering his people and training new second liners, based on the idea that leaders, no matter how great they are, will always have to step down and be replaced by new blood. If possible, the leader must shun micro-managing the affairs of the organization, especially when competent persons have been assigned to ensure the success of projects and goals. However, while being democratic and consultative as possible, the leader must exercise full control of the more important decisions of the organization, based on the notion that his experience and vision will always be beneficial for the future of the organization. Works Cited: 1. Gandhi, M. (1962). Essential Gandhi. Edited by Louis Fischer. New York: Vintage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Books. How to cite Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent struggle, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Journeys End, what do you think makes a good officer Essay Example For Students

Journeys End, what do you think makes a good officer Essay Journeys End is a play set in the trenches of World War One. It portrays the hardship and the suffering that the several officers in it had to endure, during the 3-4 days that are depicted in it. We get to know in quite a lot of depth the personalities and relationships that the men have with one another. Each officer is very different and individual in their up bringing and values concerning war and in life. The first officer we are acquainted with is Hardy, a company commander. Hardy is a very easy going officer who looks on the bright side of life, One and two its with Maud and Lou; he passes his time in the trenches singing nonsense rhymes and being a rather, cheerful red- faced looking chap. He does this to make the most of the situation that he is in, and from my impression he tries not to bother about the trivial facts that would just, in his mind, be an unwanted nuisance. I think this is intentional to help him keep his spirits high and his mind off the worst sides of the war. This is a good quality in an officer as it not only keeps him light hearted it keeps the morale in the rest of the company high. He has good humour which explains his view on the war, which is very unlike the other officers who treat it much more seriously than he does who sees it all as one big joke. When he speaks he does not use the correct terminology in a lot of cases even though he knows exactly what they are called, those horrid little things like pineapples. Hardy has another very vital and excellent quality, which adds to his definition of being a good officer. He is extremely observant of the surroundings and knows there is a great attack expected but he knows it is going to be due very soon as he has watched and detected funny things happening over in the Boche country. There is more transport than usual, bringing up loads and loads of men A reputable officer should always be alert and aware of any changes. He fulfils this requirement completely, as he is on the job when required and he keeps an eye open for any suspicious activity from the opponent. Hardy is not a perfect officer and does have a few flaws like when Osborne asks about the sleeping arrangements and Hardy dismisses him. I dont know The Sergeant- Major sees to that. His attitude is that others can worry about trivial things like ammunition, logs and all the time-wasting necessities that really are essential but not in his view. He is not bothered about tying up loose ends but is aware that he should be. His disorganisation is one factor which slightly eats away at his image as a good officer. He has not checked the trench stores or has not made any effort to make sure everything is present and correct, 25 right leg and 9 left leg gumboots. Hardy is very eager to leave before the next officer Stanhope arrives, Well, no, I dont specially want to see him. I think he does this as he knows that he is not completely fulfilling his role as an officer. This is the complete opposite to Osbornes conscientiousness and efficiency. Osborne is the second officer we come across in the play. When we first meet Osborne it is evident that Osborne is a more serious, methodical man. He asks lots of questions; about the beds, where the stores are and he asks for the logbook. These qualities are useful in an officer as it shows that they like a good clear view of things in their head, which would be a paramount factor in an attack. Osborne is very defensive of Stanhope in a conversation when Hardy accuses Stanhope of Drinking like a fish as usual? He adamantly sticks up for him Hes a long way the best company commander weve got. From this we establish that Osborne and Stanhopes friendship is a good one and that Osborne is very loyal to him. . Dickens creates EssayTrotter is a rather plump addition to the team but he works hard and is a worth while man to have in the company. Unlike other officers he will not delegate all the bad jobs to other men and he pulls his weight well around the trench. This will make other officers very fond of him which is very important in the trench environment as things will get tough and they need all the support from each other that they can get. Trotter is not the main man in the company but he still is a first-rate officer. Although he keeps himself to himself, he copes with the strain well by eating and counting down the days on a tick list. He is a serious old chap but he will always do the job set to the best of his ability I wont let you down. This is a very good quality to have because its always the effort and the thought that counts in life. As long as you try hard and do the best you can people will respect you for it and commend you in many ways. Hibbert, compared to the other men, is a prime example of a bad officer. He complains of a pain in his eye, but the other men say he is just trying to wriggle home. He shows no commitment to his duties at all and does not put in any effort. I personally think that Hibbert is just a burden and the company could do well without him. Another man on the company who needs a bit of motivation to do the best for his soldiers is the Colonel, he is extremely good at the planning and attacking side of things but does not like to mix with the soldiers a lot. He needed Stanhope to push him to go up top and wish the men luck before the attack I think they would appreciate a word or two. He could be seen as a bad officer for this but I have come to the conclusion that he has done this on purpose to keep a clear mind and focused for the job. With all the deaths of his men he has to see, if he made friendships hed brake down within a week. So he is a good officer even if he is a little cold, the men might not see this but he is doing it for their best interests. Most of the officers in this dug out have some excellent qualities that make them good officers but none of them is a perfect or ideal officer. They all are individual in their ways but have something about them, which really has an impact on the other men at this hard time. Without one another they would find it hard to cope as each of them have an asset that improves the situation they are in. They work as a team with each other. As a group they hold most of the qualities an ideal and good officer needs in my opinion, experience, motivation, good at keeping moral up, hard work, lots of effort and importantly they all do their best for their country and fight for the right reasons. None of them are prejudice to one another despite their social status or background and they respect and value everyones company and friendships.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The plan free essay sample

The Somebody-Wanted-But-So chart is an excellent way to summarize important information from history. In it, you identify a person or group of people; their goal, need, or want; what conflict of interest stood in the way; and the outcome. This strategy works great because history depends on the needs, wants, and actions of humans. Use the chart to show your understanding of people, countries, and organizations in the Korean War. Part 1 – Complete the following chart using information from the lesson. The Korean War Chart Somebody Wanted But So North Korea To unite both halves of Korea under Communist rule. The United Nations interfered with their invasion. The Korean war began. General MacArthur To defeat the North Korean army. We will write a custom essay sample on The plan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The North Koreans were to strong to take head on. He got permission to lead a mission to ambush them from behind while other UN troops continued to fight them head on, thus trapping the North Korean army. President Truman To keep the UN troops away from the Chinese border, so that there was less of a chance that China would enter the war. General MacArthur didn’t listen and the Chinese entered the war, causing the war to last much longer than it might have if the Chinese hadn’t entered the war. President Truman fired General MacArthur for going against his orders. China The UN troops to stay away from the border between China and North Korea. MacArthur and his UN troops were extremely close to the Chinese border. More than 300,000 Chinese troops moved to assist North Korea. United Nations To restore peace in both North and South Korea as soon as possible. Chinese troops were preparing to join the war in favor of North Korea. The UN had to come up with a plan. Part 2 – You will create four paragraphs, one for each question below. Each response must be in your own words and in complete sentences as well as include evidence from the lesson. 1) How did General Douglas MacArthur react to the events in Korea? What was his stance on the Korean War? General Douglas MacArthur was the leader of the UN troops. He took some of the UN troops and ambushed the North Korean forces from behind, thus trapping the North Koreans between them and the UN forces on the front-lines. He also wanted to invade China in order to reestablish a democratic political system in China. 2) How did President Truman respond to the events in Korea? What was his stance on the Korean War? President Truman assigned General Douglas MacArthur as the leader of the UN troops. Truman wanted to restore peace in North and South Korea as soon as possible. Under no circumstances did Truman want to give the Chinese a reason to enter the war. He wanted MacArthur to stay away from the Chinese border. 3)Which leaders actions were the most justifiable—General McArthurs or President Trumans? Support your claim with evidence from the lesson. I believe that President Truman’s actions were the most justifiable because General MacArthur disobeyed Truman’s orders by approaching the Chinese border when he was specifically warned to stay away from that border. Because General MacArthur disobeyed Truman’s orders, the Chinese entered the war and the war lasted a lot longer than it would have needed to. 4) Would the outcome of the Korean War have been different had General MacArthur not been fired? Why or why not? Support your claim with evidence from the lesson. No, I do not believe that the outcome of the Korean War would have been different because the Chinese had already entered the war long before MacArthur was fired and it was MacArthur’s fault that the Chinese had even entered the war. MacArthur probably would have just made even more of a mess if he hadn’t been fired.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chinese Cinerella Essay Essays - Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah

Chinese Cinerella Essay Essays - Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah Adeline is much stronger and wiser person at the end of this book. To what extent do you agree? Introduction: Adeline Yen Mah is a young girl in the autobiography Chinese Cinderella where she tells her life story and her struggles she goes through. In the novel she explains how she got through hard situations and how she managed to become a stronger and wiser person. It all started when she was blamed for the death of her mother resulting in total rejection by her siblings, father and stepmother. At the end of the novel, she shows that she had become a stronger and wiser person through the cold experiences and that through the help of her school friends and her family she was able to apply for University. Body Paragraph 1: When finding out that she was going to university she knew she had grown into a stronger and wiser person. For Adeline going to University only showed her how much wiser she had gotten. Her father was shown this when she won the playwriting competition. He offered her a trip to medical school in England. She was wiser, and being wiser gave her positivity for a positive future. She didnt know that she had become wiser until she had written the winning story. It had only showed her that she had grown in knowledge and strength and from all the years of listening. After winning the competition it showed Adelines father that not only had she gotten stronger but had gotten wiser as a woman. His years of discipline payed off and from all the wisdom he was showed from her he wanted her to be a doctor which acquired a lot of attention and knowledge which Adeline had. So going to University from being offered showed her that she had only become wiser over the years of her str uggling. She had gained knowledge and wisdom and had become a wise woman. Body Paragraph 2: After PLTs death Adeline had definitely become a stronger person. She had built up her self-esteem as a young girl after PLTs incident. She had only become stronger to make PLT proud. This made her determined and confident. When PLT had died, Adeline had built up her confidence because she had made a promise to her duckling. She knew that the only way she could fulfil it she would have to be strong and move on. Third brother also noticed that she was trying to become stronger because of the way she acted towards his death. He knew she would make it because she had a hope. Her promise to PLT was that whatever happens, we must never let them win. (pg.98) This promise meant that she would fight back no matter what happened. Third Brother noticed she had become stronger because he decided to go to the funeral with her and started then on supporting her. Therefore, PLTs death gave her a self-esteem boost and a strength boost. She had ended up building these qualities so that she could fulfil the promise that she could never break. Body Paragraph 3: When Adeline won the playwriting competition, she knew that she had gotten wiser because of the academic excellence. The confidence boost from her friends and loving close ones they had lifted her back up and given her confidence in knowing she had gotten wiser. Her wisdom showed when she won the playwriting competition. When her father had appreciated her for her excellence she had confidence in knowing she had gotten wiser. Her father showed her that in offering for her to go to England to study for a doctors certificate. Her knowledge from keeping to herself and listening had ended up wither her being ready for the future. Her confidence boosted when her father had offered for her to go to England Going there only told her that she had gotten wiser. Her father had shown that to her. Therefore, when she won the playwriting competition, her confidence advanced forward and only confirmed to her that she had gotten stronger and wiser. Conclusion: Throughout her difficult life, Adeline learnt to face different situation that changed her life for the better. In the novel, she shows through

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Life and Works of Honoré de Balzac, French Novelist

The Life and Works of Honorà © de Balzac, French Novelist Honorà © de Balzac (born Honorà ©Ã‚  Balssa, May 20, 1799 – August 18, 1850) was a novelist and playwright in nineteenth-century France. His work formed part of the foundation of the realist tradition in European literature, with particular focus on his remarkably complex characters. Fast Facts: Honorà © de Balzac Occupation: WriterBorn: May 20, 1799 in Tours, FranceDied: August 18, 1850 in Paris, FranceKey Accomplishments: Groundbreaking French novelist whose realist style and complex characters shaped the modern novelSelected Work: Les Chouans  (1829), Eugà ©nie Grandet (1833), La Pà ¨re Goriot (1835), La Comà ©die humaine (collected works)Quote: There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power.† Family and Early Life Honorà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s father, Bernard-Francois Balssa, was from a large lower-class family. As a young man, he worked hard to climb up the social ladder and eventually did so, working for the governments of both Louis XVI and, later, Napoleon. He changed his name to Francois Balzac to sound more like the aristocrats he now interacted with, and eventually married the daughter of a wealthy family, Anne-Charlotte-Laure Sallambier. The age gap was considerable – thirty-two years – and was arranged in gratitude for Francois’s assistance to the family. It never was a love match. Despite this, the couple had five children. Honorà © was the eldest to survive infancy, and was closest in age and affection to his sister Laure, born a year later. Honorà © attended the local grammar school, but struggled with the rigid structure and consequently was a poor student, even once he was returned to the care of his family and private tutors. It was not until he entered university at the Sorbonne that he began to thrive, studying history, literature, and philosophy under some of the great minds of the day. After college, Honorà © began a career as a law clerk on the advice of his father. He was intensely dissatisfied with the work, but it did provide him with the opportunity to come into contact with and observe people of all walks of life and the moral dilemmas inherent in the practice of the law. Leaving his law career caused some discord with his family, but Honorà © held firm. Early Career Honorà © began his attempts at a literary career as a playwright, then, under a pseudonym, as a co-writer of â€Å"potboiler† novels: quickly-written, often scandalous novels, the equivalent of modern-day â€Å"trashy† paperbacks. He tried his hand at journalism, commenting on the political and cultural state of the post-Napoleon era in France, and failed miserably at his business venture when he tried to make a living as a publisher and printer. In this literary era, two specific subgenres of novels were in vogue both critically and popularly: historical novels and personal novels (that is, those which narrate a specific person’s life in detail). Honorà © embraced this style of writing, bringing his own experiences with debtors, the printing industry, and the law into his novels. This experience set him apart from the bourgeois novelists of the past and many of his contemporaries, whose knowledge of other ways of life was entirely gleaned from previous writers’ depictions. La Comedie Humaine In 1829, he wrote Les Chouans, the first novel he published under his own name. This would become the first entry into his career-defining work: a series of intertwined stories depicting various facets of French life during the Restoration and July Monarchy periods (that is, from about 1815 to 1848). When he published his next novel, El Verdugo, he again used a new name: Honorà © de Balzac, rather than just â€Å"Honorà © Balzac.† The â€Å"de† was used to denote noble origins, so Honorà © adopted it in order to better fit into respected circles of society. In many of the novels that make up La Comedie Humaine, Honorà © moved between sweeping portraits of French society as a whole and the small, intimate details of individual lives. Among his most successful works were La Duchesse de Langeais, Eugenie Grandet, and Pere Goriot. The novels ranged hugely in length, from the thousand-page epic Illusions Perdues to the novella La Fille aux yeux d’or. The novels in this series were notable for their realism, particularly when it came to their characters. Rather than writing characters who were paragons of good or evil, Honorà © depicted people in a much more realistic, nuanced light; even his minor characters were shaded with different layers. He also gained a reputation for his naturalistic depictions of time and place, as well as driving narratives and intricate relationships. Honorà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s writing habits were the stuff of legend. He could write for fifteen or sixteen hours a day, with copious amounts of coffee to fuel his concentration and energy. In many instances, he became obsessed with perfecting the smallest details, often making change after change. This didn’t necessarily stop when the books were sent off to the printers, either: he frustrated many a printer by rewriting and editing even after the proofs were sent to him. Social and Family Life Despite his obsessive work life, Honorà © managed to have a thriving social life. He was popular in society circles for his storytelling prowess, and he counted other famous figures of the day – including fellow novelist Victor Hugo – among his acquaintance. His first love was Maria Du Fresnay, a fellow writer who was unhappily married to a much older man. She bore Honorà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s daughter, Marie-Caroline Du Fresnay, in 1834. He had also had an earlier mistress, an older woman by the name of Madame de Berny, who had saved him from financial ruin prior to his novelistic success. Honorà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s great love story, though, began in a way that seems like something from a novel. He received an anonymous letter in 1832 that criticized the cynical depictions of faith and of women in one of his novels. In response, he posted an advertisement in a newspaper to attract his critic’s attention, and the pair began a correspondence that lasted fifteen years. The person on the other side of these letters was Ewelina Hanska, a Polish countess. Honorà © and Ewelina were both highly intelligent, passionate people, and their letters were full of such topics. They first met in person in 1833. Her much-older husband died in 1841, and Honorà © traveled to St. Petersburg, where she was staying, in 1843 to meet her again. Because they both had complicated finances, and Ewelina’s family was mistrusted by the Russian tsar, they were unable to marry until 1850, by which time they were both suffering health issues. Honorà © had no children with Ewelina, although he did father children from other earlier affairs. Death and Literary Legacy Honorà © only enjoyed his marriage for a few months before he fell ill. His mother arrived in time to say goodbye, and his friend Victor Hugo visited him on the day before his death. Honorà © de Balzac died quietly on August 18, 1850. He is buried in Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, and a statue of him, the Balzac Monument, sits at a nearby intersection. The greatest legacy Honorà © de Balzac left behind was the use of realism in the novel. The structure of his novels, in which the plot is presented in sequential order by an omniscient narrator and one event causes another, was influential for many later writers. Literary scholars have also focused on his exploration of the links between social standing and character development, as well as a belief in the strength of the human spirit that has endured to this day. Sources Brunetiere, Ferdinand. Honorà © de Balzac. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1906.â€Å"Honore de Balzac.† New World Encyclopedia, 13 January 2018, newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Honore_de_Balzac.â€Å"Honore de Balzac.† Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 14 August 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Honore-de-Balzac.Robb, Graham. Balzac: A Biography. W. W. Norton Company, New York, 1994.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Protecting the Environment & Feeding the World Essay

Protecting the Environment & Feeding the World - Essay Example Let us discuss why privatization of water or engagement of corporations is favorable for solving environmental problems. Privatization of Water: Good or Bad Before going into the discussion regarding privatization of water, let us get a better understanding of what this term actually is. As we all know, the world is facing water shortage and environmental problems these days, which have created many problems for the poor and unprivileged people. Barlow states, â€Å"The global water crisis has become a powerful symbol of the growing inequality in our world†. Access to clean and safe water is one of the major concerns for most of the poor European people these days. Wealthy people have access to clean and pure water whereas poor people can only drink contaminated water, which is available to them from wells and local rivers. Water shortage creates many problems, such as, increase in the number of diseases, decrease in the economic and industrial progress, and increase in the nu mber of early deaths. â€Å"The shortage of water helps to perpetuate poverty, disease and early death† (Segerfeldt). However, the reality is that there is no water shortage at the global level. The problem lies with the management of available clean water. â€Å"We use a mere 8 per cent of the water available for human consumption† (Segerfeldt). Bad policies and poor management of resources are the main problems regarding the issue of water shortage. Governments of all European countries are taking proper steps to solve the problem of safe water shortage for the citizens. One of the best ways to solve environmental problems is privatization of water or greater engagement of corporations in the management of water resources. â€Å"Water privatization usually refers to the control or maintenance of water systems and water resources by private entities† (Weagly). An example of water privatization is a company working with a local municipality in order to develop a nd maintain a wastewater treatment plant, which should be able to provide clean and quality drinking water to the people. There exist two different points of view regarding privatization of water resources. Experts raise their concerns based on different facts, water availability statistics, and future forecast of water resources. Water resources have been in the control of public organizations since many decades but the fact is that those public organizations have not been able to overcome the issue of availability of safe water to the people. This is the reason why governments of some developed and poor countries have planned to prioritize the water resources in order to get good results. Supporters of water privatization believe that involvement of private water management companies in managing available water can improve the quality and cleanliness of drinking water. â€Å"Private companies might also stress that they can increase efficiency, improve quality and sustain operati ons over a long period† (Weagly). I personally believe that if public organizations are unable to make good policies regarding management of water in a proper manner, then privatization of water is a best way to deal with the problem of shortage of clean water. Privatization brings many benefits to the local people, such as, availability of clean water, increase in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Intercultural Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Intercultural Communications - Essay Example This also explains the communal nature of Chinese, their lives are relatively settled and this reliance on agriculture accounts for their attachment to the earth. Furthermore, the Chinese language is seen to adopt ancient characters that are names of natural botanical plants (Wu). Being Chinese is perceived as a cultural identity rather than a matter of race, implying that anyone of a different descent who abides by their cultural values and norms can be called Chinese. From an informal aspect, the Chinese refer to themselves as sons of Han, which is the majority ethnic population in the country. Overall, there are 56 ethnic groups but overtime the 55 have come to be assimilated to the Han group. Moreover, the Mandarin dialect identifiable with the Han and their administrative system has been made official by the Chinese government. This implies that all Chinese must familiarize themselves with these; however, there are legal systems in place that protect the minorities. Their existence is important to the overall Chinese population because of the territories they are found in, and the cultural relations they have with neighboring countries such as North Korea, Thailand and Kazakhstan. Therefore, the Chinese government must acknowledge their existence to avoi d any threats to their national security (â€Å"Chinese Cultural Studies†). Personally, I belong to the Bai ethnic community that originates from Southwest China particularly from Yunnan province. My ancestors occupied the Yunnan-Guizhou region that features many rivers including Nujiang and Lancang. Combined with the large tracts of land and dense forests, the river valleys present in this region provided for abundance in fruits and produce; in general a stunning landscape. Our ancestors clad in white sheepskin which resulted to our title Bai as it means white men while the language they

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Coursework Biology Essay Example for Free

Coursework Biology Essay Biology coursework: Substrate specificity in yeast AIM: To find out which substrate (glucose, starch, maltose, sucrose or lactose), does yeast, the organism containing the enzyme, breaks down the quickest. Introduction: Usually, every enzyme has a specific substrate that is what we call the â€Å"lock and key† theory. We can try the reaction of an enzyme with different substrates and this enzyme will just work well with one of those substrates. One type of reaction catalyzed by enzymes is anaerobic respiration. (fermentation), made by yeast that uses a sugar as a substrate. This reaction will produce CO2 and energy. Measuring how much CO2 the reaction produces we could know how well the enzyme is working with a substrate, checking thus its specificity. Materials: 5 Ignition tubes Pipette Glucose Maltose Sucrose Lactose Yeast Cotton wool Test tubes Stop watch Ruler Variables: Independent variable: substrate (glucose, starch, maltose, lactose, sucrose), enzyme (yeast), volume of substrate, volume of enzyme. Dependent: volume of CO2 released (measured in mm) Controlled variables: Temperature, pressure, time. Method: 1- Fill 5 ignition tubes, half with yeast (2.0 ml) and half with each corresponding substrate (2.0 ml), using a pipette. 2- Quickly after the mixture is done, place the ignition tubes upside down in a test tube, helping yourself with a pen. 3- Start the stop watch once the ignition tube is upside down in the test tube, and measure the space left (this will be time 0) 4- Place some cotton wool on the top of each test tube in order to block oxygen, and therefore, for anaerobic respiration to occur. 5- Prepare one mixture with the yeast (enzyme), and with water, to act as a control. Treat the control in the same way you have done it with the samples. 6- As anaerobic respiration occurs, CO2 is released displacing the mixture of yeast and substrate into the test tube. Measure the amount of CO2 released during 20 minutes, taking a reading of the empty space inside the ignition tube every 5 minutes. 7- Repeat the experiment 3 times for statistical purposes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Apology Essay -- miscellaneous

Apology I apologize for my inappropriate behavior on (what ever date you want here) in the cafeteria. It was very rude for me to laugh while you were speaking, there was no humor in what you had to say. I would also like to apologize to the teachers, I’m very sorry, it will never happen again. My unnecessary behavior as totally unacceptable. This essay taught me to fully respect my teachers, and peers. There is no excuse for why I acted like I did in he cafeteria. I am completely responsible for my own actions. I was in the wrong to laugh while you and the other teachers were speaking. I am completely sorry I learned my lesson and I will never act the way I did towards you and the other teachers ever again. I have decided to write this because I really don’t want to get suspende...

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Own Exprerience in English Language

Second language is known as the language that we learn after our mother tongue. It is the secondary option of the individual. People learn second language for multiple purposes; to communicate with people of different ethnic, to get job, to feel easy to live in strange country or environment, to learn foreign culture and lifestyle etc. As it is very important to know or speak the language of the place where we live. However, my second language –English is the most the most difficult to learn in a short period of time. The learning second language is much interesting and challenging, and also make more experience if we have good group discussion and talk with the teacher about own experience and problems. I moved to an environment that was totally different from the one I came from. I knew that this would be my biggest hurdle I would have to overcome. I sat in back of the class room and felt shy to speak with friends and teacher because I can’t frame a good sentence to express my problem. But teacher help me in each and every step of my problems that I faced. In middle of the semester, I understand more English and I started asking question regarding my problems to my teacher; the problems were solve in clear and effective way and I handle easily. I came to know while I learn English everything will be possible and easy if we keep on working with full of interest. In my experience one of the best ways to learning is writing in blog and read loudly. I am not really good writer and reader because I speak and think in Nepali. When I have a problem I talk and discuss with friends and teacher to know the correct answer and when I know the answer I keep on working on it for my experience in future. In addition, Group discussion became good source to learn lots of different idea to express the thought. I am very much sure if we give full concentration with interest on it we can definitely, learn lots of vocabulary and become a good writer and speaker. However, the teacher chosen the topic was so interesting and funny. The topic was to express my own experience and opinion towards the environment where I had grown up. It was more interesting to write in Nepali but it was so hard to express the feeling in English. I work in listening text and write down the vocabulary word which I heard in every single day. I believed that, the way of learning English language just to write and read loud. The way I make my language better is just keep on practicing lots. I realize that I am the one decide how my language will turn out in the future. The doors finally opened for me, but it took effort. Life was complicated during the transition stage when I was learning to accustom myself to a new language. Moreover, my classes were challenging in various fields like group discussions, homework, listening and writing. I studied online, extra time out of college, and finally I am feeling easy to interact with different American People, learn their culture and life styles.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

‘Jasper Jones’ by Craig Silvey Essay

‘In this coming of age story, Charlie must question his conventional notions of what is right and wrong as he navigates small town morality, racism and hypocrisy.’ In the novel ‘Jasper Jones’ written by Craig Silvey, the main character Charlie Bucktin experiences many life changing events that occur throughout the novel, which makes Charlie dramatically change his outlook on life. During the novel Charlie slowly uncovers that life in Corrigan is made up of rumours and lies. Charlie learns a great deal about himself, others, Corrigan and important decisions that teaches him some of life’s great lessons. The protagonist of the novel Charlie Bucktin is an innocent little boy until he encounters the ‘fearful’ character Jasper Jones when he appears at Charlie’s bedroom window one night by surprise. Charlie changes his thoughts from right to wrong completely. The town’s thoughts of Jasper are unbearable and should stay away from him. The major event that brings the two boys together is the brutal death of Laura Wishart. Jasper taking Charlie to where Laura Wishart’s body is, which then Charlie has to face make a decision whether he can keep it a secret it or not. ‘No, it’s too late. Like Jasper Jones, I have seen what I Have seen. I am involved.’ Charlie makes the choice to keep it a secret from the people of Corrigan. Charlie now starts telling lies to people to protect the ones that he loves. ‘How strange and unsettled I am. Like a snow dome paperweight that’s been shaken†¦Everything in my world that was steady and sure and sturdy has been shaken out of place, and it’s now drifting and swirling back down in a confetti of a debris’ Charlie compares himself to a nobody before he meets Jasper Jones, but after Charlie has officially meets Jasper he feels as though he has purpose in life. In the small town of Corrigan it is filled with rumours and lies. A huge amount of secrecy and mistrust is conducted by everyone in Corrigan. The lack of tolerance and understanding of each other in Corrigan creates rumours that are untrue, but people still believe them because they have nothing else to believe. A character named ‘Mad Jack Lionel’ is an example of which where the people of Corrigan misjudged him ‘but as the myth grows in girth, so too does our fear of speculation and intrigue for the kids of Corrigan’ thinking that Jack Lionel murdered a women. Realistically he was in a car accident which where the women was  killed. Charlie and Jasper share thoughts on their views of the world, and are clearly outsiders in the community. The thoughts of Jasper Jones in the community of Corrigan ‘a thief, a liar, a thug’ had no impact on Charlie, he ignores all the propaganda targeting Jasper and pursues an unbreakable bond between the two of them. As Charlie uncovers the town of Corrigan, he realises how racist and hypocritical Corrigan actually is. Not only is the town racist to Jasper, but also to Charlie’s best friend Jeffery Lu. Charlie learns through different situations throughout the novel. ‘Jeffery’s parents are Vietnamese, so he’s ruthlessly bullied and belted around by the boys at school†¦But he takes it all astonishingly well, which has always eased my guilt given that I’m answer brave enough to intervene. Jeffery is unflappable’ as Jeffery is bullied so much at school he has never looked back at the bullies; he always has a smile on his face. Jasper is also a target for racism in the town of Corrigan. Being somewhat rebellious half-cast young boy, and not socially accepted because he is indigenous. He is the only indigenous member of the community even though the rest of the community treat him as an outsider. Charlie comes to the conclusion to trust Jasper and not to believe what other people. His learns to not to judge something until you fully understand the situation. The duration of the novel Charlie started off as an innocent little boy, facing many events which made ‘grow up’ and not just think about the importance of himself but by the others around him also. This new found lesson will benefit Charlie later in life as he will make better decisions and back himself, and trust other people which will lead to greater trust and respect between them.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dam and Damn - Commonly Confused Words

Dam and Damn - Commonly Confused Words The words dam and damn are homophones: they sound the same but have different meanings.The noun dam refers to a barrier that holds back water. As a verb, dam means to hold back or confine. As a verb, damn means to criticize or to condemn as bad or inferior. As an interjection, damn is used to express anger, frustration, or disappointment. As an adjective, damn serves as a shorted form of damned. Examples Are you that little Dutch  boy with the finger in the dam trying to prevent the wall from coming down and the water from flooding your valley?  (Jeanette C. Morgan, The Voice That Must Be Heard. Tate, 2010)The Boers were unsuccessful in their efforts to dam up the Klip River in order to flood the town.Damn them, he cursed inwardly, years of bitter resentment welling up inside him. Damn them for laughing, damn the driver for swearing at him! Damn the whole town.(James Herbert, The Fog. Pan Macmillan, 1999) Practice The man could be concealing the fact that his stones were enchanted by black magic, helping to _____ the person who used them.  (Piers Anthony, On a Pale Horse. Del Rey Books, 1983)Waves were crashing against the _____ in front of us, and we were drenched by the wild spray.There was a treaty that said the Indians could always fish the falls. But the government wanted to build a _____ to generate electricity for the cities and store water for the farmers.  (Craig Lesley, Winterkill. Houghton Mifflin, 1984) Answers to Practice Exercises The man could be concealing the fact that his stones were enchanted by black magic, helping to  damn  the person who used them. (Piers Anthony,  On a Pale Horse.  Del Rey Books, 1983)Waves were crashing against the  dam  in front of us, and we were drenched by the wild spray.There was a treaty that said the Indians could always fish the falls. But the government wanted to build a  dam  to generate electricity for the cities and store water for the farmers.   (Craig Lesley,  Winterkill. Houghton Mifflin, 1984)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Guide to Using SAT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep

Guide to Using SAT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It's important to learn how to use official SAT practice tests as study resources because they will give you the most accurate reading of what to expect on the real SAT. If you only have twenty hours to prepare, this guide will teach you how to use practice tests to your best advantage within that limited time. I'll walk you through why SAT practice tests are important and how you can use a step by step twenty hour plan to get the most out of them. Why Are SAT Practice Tests a Good Tool for Short-Term Prep? Practice tests can be very helpful if you only have a short time to prepare for the SAT.You’ll experience larger point gains through enhancing yourunderstanding of the overall format of the test than you would through focusing solely on specific content issues.Practice tests will introduce you to the time constraints and question types you’ll see on the real test, so you’ll be prepared to deal with the time pressure and confusing wording that tends to stump students who have less experience with the SAT. The benefits of practice tests increase even further if you can evaluate your mistakes accurately and take steps to fix them.Although you don’t have much time, higher level weaknesses in test-taking strategy can be fixed relatively quickly.Practice tests give you the power to recognize these weaknesses and take simple steps to eliminate them. How to Prep for the SAT in 20 Hours Using Practice Tests Here's a step-by-step guide to using practice tests in a twenty hour study plan. You can adjust the times to your personal needs, but this plan provides a rough outline of how to go about the process of taking practice tests and evaluating your mistakes. Step 1: Take a Baseline Test (4 Hours) You will need to take an initial practice test to see where you stand score-wise and diagnose your weaknesses.Make sure that you use the appropriate time constraints and set yourself up in a quiet environment.You should also print out the test so that you can simulate realistic testing conditions. Print out this picture and give it to your family when you're taking an SAT practice test. Step 2: Analyze and Fix Your Mistakes (4 Hours) Now that you’ve taken a practice test, you can look at your incorrect answers to figure out your biggest problems.You won’t have time to fix all of your issues on the test in this short study period, but you can tackle some of the most common mistakes at a higher level. Take note of whether you messed up on certain sections in particular.If you find that you had a lot of difficulty on one part of the test, you should devote some time to figuring out what went wrong and how you can fix it.There may be a few different issues that need addressing if you hope to raise your scores significantly. Here are a couple of scenarios you might encounter and some short-term strategies for improving your performance. Running Out of Time If running out of time is an issue for you, you will be able to improve your performance through greater familiarity with the test material and smarter test-taking strategies.Do you tend to get stuck on difficult questions? On your next practice test, skip any question that you can’t figure out within 30 seconds on the Reading and Writing sections or within a minute on the Math section.You shouldn’t waste too much time struggling on hard questions. If you do, you run the risk of missing easier questions at the end of the section and losingmajor points! If you’re running into problems with time on the Reading section, you might try switching up your strategy.Most students instinctively read the passages on the SAT closely, but this can lead to time issues if you’re a slower reader.Try skimming the passages instead (read the introduction and conclusion paragraphs and the first and last sentences of each body paragraph).You should be able to answer most questions just by skimming, and it will save you a ton of time.If you find that you don't know the answer to a question, you can always go back and read specific parts of the passage more closely. Another method that might work for you is skipping the passage altogether and heading straight for the questions.On the SAT, you’re given line numbers for most of the passage-based reading questions, so you can just read the lines indicated in the questions rather than the entire passage. For more strategies to combat time management issues on the SAT, see these articles with tips for how to stop running out of time on Reading and Math. Ah, time, the forever-ticking demon that haunts us all. Careless Mistakes If you made a lot of careless mistakes, you might be rushing or not reading the questions closely enough. Acareless mistake is an incorrect answer to a question that should have been easy for you.It might be a result of misreading what the question was asking for or being overly confident and not thinking it through. Issues with careless mistakes can be fixed through more practice testing (yay!) and awareness of your time management.Careless mistakes are also easy to spot if you double check your answers for each section. You should make a point of doing this if you have any extra time at the end! Question Misunderstandings Did you find that you genuinely misunderstood some of the questions on the test? If you're running into these types of mistakes, you should continue to practice similar questions. Make sure you fully understand why the correct answer makes sense.Once you know the solution, try working through the question or problem on your own to see where you might have gone wrong.This strategy will help train your brain to handle similar questions in the future. Lack of Content Knowledge Since you don’t have very much time, gaps in your content knowledge aren’t going to be easy to fill.If there are minor things you don’t know (such as a mathematical formula or grammar rule that you need to memorize), you can review them before the next practice test.If you’re struggling with an entire content area, like functions or geometry, you might not have enough time to fix those problems.Focus on surface-level content issues to maximize your point gains in this short time window. Make sure you're content with your content knowledge. For more tips on how to review your mistakes, check out this article.You might not be able to comb meticulously through all the questions you got wrong, but there are some useful strategies that can still be implemented by students who are pressed for time. Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 (8 Hours) Now that you’ve reviewed your mistakes and tried to fix most of the issues you had on the last test, you can take another practice test to see whether you’ve improved.Go through the same process with this test as you did on the previous one.If you find that you’ve improved significantly, that’s a good sign! You may be making different types of mistakes now, so it’s worth it to do another analysis. If you didn’t improve, you should consider how you went through the process of fixing your mistakes on the first test and whether you need to implement different strategies. Step 4: Take a Final Practice Test (4 Hours) After reviewing and fixing your mistakes on the second practice test, you should take a final test to prepare for the real SAT.You can take this practice test a couple of days before your test date. Make sure you keep all the strategies in mind that you developed from reviewing your other practice tests, and don’t change your methods between now and the real SAT. Total Time: 20 Hours! Wahoo! You did it! Will 20 Hours Be Enough for Me? Depending on how much you need to improve, 20 hours might be more than enough time, but it's not an ideal amount of prep time for students who are looking for significant score improvements on the SAT.You should start preparing earlierif you hope to raise your scores by more than 200 points or are looking for a perfect score. If you're hoping to improve by 300 points or so, you may be looking at 80 hours of studying as a more realistic amount of time. Take a look at this article on how long you should study for the SAT for more information. You can also read some of these resources to learn more about why your studying for the SAT now will pay off in the future. That being said, anyone can make moderate improvements in twenty hours if she'shonest about hermistakes and takes practice tests under realistic testing conditions.If you’re new to the SAT, you will probably see some big changes in your scores from the first practice test to the third.As a general rule, however, starting your studying earlier will be better for your mental health and your performance on the test! What's Next? Worried about low SAT scores? Here are some prep and test-taking strategies specifically targeted towards low scorers that will help you improve! Do you have procrastination issues when it comes to SAT prep? Find out how to combat procrastination in preparing for standardized tests. If you have a bit more time on your hands and want to learn how to get the best scores possible, read PrepScholar's ultimate guide to SAT prep. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Samantha Lindsay About the Author Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Communication College Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication College - Assignment Example There are many other qualities these are among the qualities essential for effective communication. My personal communication goal is to become more confident and more open with my feelings to my parents and to my friends. There are many times that I feel quite frustrated but I cannot find the words to express my thoughts and my feelings because I am afraid that I may not be understood well. I am trying to learn to be more confident in my choice of words. I should want to express my feelings and emotions without using offensive words. I should learn to use more euphemistic terms so that I can tell them what I do no like without necessarily courting disaster. I should learn to be more open and to communicate with them constantly rather than shun away because this will not do any good. Keeping quiet and keeping a distance are nonverbal expressions of my indifference and I should work that out if I want to have a better relationship with anyone that come across my life. A client you work with is constantly rude and obtrusive: This is a psychological barrier to communication. I will not be able to understand my co-worker well because of I have a negative perception as a result of his attitude double meaning may result. He might mean well but because I find him rude I will have no way of telling if he is genuine and truthful in what he is saying. The clinic I practice in becomes humid during the day. When the window is opened the sound of traffic disturbs the consultation: This is an example of a mechanical barrier. The noise and humidity are obstruction to effective communication. It is difficult to be understood well because of the noise and the patient may not be comfortable because of the humid temperature. This makes the patients not very ready to listen to what I say. A client stands very close to you when they are speaking: This is an example of organic barrier. I may be disturbed with the loudness of the voice of the client or uncomfortable with his smell or nearness and that blocks my attention to what he is saying. You are a practitioner that has a speech impediment and wears contact lenses: There is an organic barrier here. I may not be able to produce the correct sound of the words and I might not see my listeners well so they may misunderstand what I am